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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  November 8, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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city. and he should be given the support necessary. >> all right then. mayor, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> great to talk to you. >> that's "the ed show." i'm michael eric dyson in for ed shultz. "politicsnation" with the reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, michael. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, worst socialist ever. republicans love to talk about how president obama is a socialist, marxist who doesn't understand capitalism. that's funny. in reality here's what wall street said about that today. >> we are finishing very strong. we will be in record territory for the dow industrial. we didn't see that coming 15 minutes ago. >> that's right. yet another record high on wall street. since president obama came into office, key stocks have soared more than 7,000 points.
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they're up 90%. and today we got another strong jobs report. 200,000 jobs were created in october. that makes 44 consecutive months of private sector job growth. a remarkable turnaround from the bush recession. and the president did it all with republicans trying to block him every step of the way. even shutting down the government. today he went to the port of new orleans and called out the gop for trying to put the brakes on the economy. >> some folks in washington tried to shut down the government and default on america's obligations for the first time in 200 years. it's like the gears of our economy, every time they are just about to take off, suddenly somebody taps the brakes saying not so fast. >> republicans keep tapping the
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brakes and they're doing their best to hurt the very people who need help the most. here's how the latest round of cuts to food stamps are affecting people all around the country. >> $11. and it makes a difference. >> why take it from those that are really in need of this? >> it's scary. it is. having three kids and five of us in the house, neither one of us with jobs because he just got laid off. so it's scary. >> this is the worst time of the year right now. with the holidays coming. you got kids to think about. you got families. i was a nurse for 35 years. i've given everything and now i get nothing back. >> real people having a hard time feeding their families. right before the holidays. and the gop answer is to try and cut $40 billion more from the food stamp program. and to be against the democratic plan to raise the minimum wage. to put that in perspective, speaker john boehner's annual
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salary is over $200,000. compare that to the median salary in america. under $28,000. the speaker makes that in about a month and a half. and look at this. based on next year's calendar in congress, speaker boehner will make about $250 per hour. but he's against a plan to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour? it's just awful. joining me now are maria teresa kumar and jared bernstein. thanks for coming on the show. >> thank you. >> jared, how can republicans justify hurting the economy while also hurting americans who need the help the most? >> well, it's a great question. and i think that the justification tends to be if we take away food stamps, s.n.a.p.,
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or any other benefit that's helping people get by in this tough economy, unemployment insurance is another area they've been going after. we're going to somehow give these people the incentive they lack to get out there and work harder. and it's incredibly ironic when you consider that the economy while clearly recovering, clearly getting better is still quite tough from the perspective of folks saying the bottom half of the income scale. what we've seen time and time and what we've seen when the market is tight, if there are good jobs available to people, they will go into the job market and they will get them. don't tell me somebody is kicking back not trying to work so they can stay on these programs. it just doesn't make any sense. >> now, maria, today we learned
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about the economic data, let me put it that way, that the government shutdown really caused the government. it turns out it cost the federal government $2 billion in lost productivity. that's on top of the $24 billion in lost growth to the economy. so while they're talking about deficit and debt and who is trying to establish the country in the country, look at the damage the gop shutdown caused the country in productivity and in actual dollars. >> that's absolutely right. they want to basically drown government. and the way you drown government is to make sure it doesn't -- it's not working. unfortunately what jared pointed out is absolutely true. most people in food subsidies of any kind are usually there temporarily. very rarely do you have a population that is permanently on food stamps.
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they use it as a way to sum lemt their income until they're on their feet. the recreation of the middle class was a big program back in the 1940s when the g.i. bill and people coming back in said we have to make sure we're giving folks on education and give them enough money so they can buy their first home. that's how we created the middle class. when the president went in and started talking about the need for structure for development. that the rest of the world now understands. that's how you kick start the economy and make sure you have good jobs. not just jobs, but good jobs. middle class jobs where they are building the infrastructure and ensuring we are reinvesting in our country. >> you know, jared, the thing that is striking to me is how the republicans have stretched the truth. in every which way to attack the president's economic policies. from saying obama care is a job killer to saying the president is a socialist. listen to this, jared.
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>> obama care is the number one job killer in america. >> if we don't act we will have a debt crisis. >> since day one of barack obama's presidency, i have led the fight in washington against his liberal socialist policies. >> liberals have no idea of how capitalism works. >> i mean, it's amazing. they can't just argue different economic policies or opposition proposals. he has to be a socialist. his plan is job killer. >> this twitter ipo yesterday, everyone was very elated. it went off without a hitch. they shot up 70%. i actually spent a fair bit of time trying to analyze fair market. if he's a socialist, he's the worst. because financial markets are --
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in fact, the one sector of the economy in many ways has done the best. if you look at median compensation, it's been flat. and i ask you and i thought of this looking at the graph you showed earlier of the jobs. we've actually been doing okay. maybe better than okay given the kinds of head winds, dysfunctional policy that this congress has been throwing at the economy. >> if you look at that graph -- hold it there a minute. if you look at that graph and see where we were and you see what he's been able to do against the head wind of the worst kind of obstructionism that i've seen in my life time. and when you look at the fact, maria, that some of the people that helped bush when you look at the bush side of the graph are the ones that are giving the worst problems to obama. so you're not even dealing with
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a total new cast of characters. some of these guys in the congress and some of them in the senate. what it's saying is they are guys that were cosigning with bush did. >> the fact we have an economic recovery is despite the republican party helping out. don't forget the reason we were in this economic turmoil is because the president inherited from president bush. not only is it doing well but it's become steady in growth. jared is absolutely right. it's not trickling down enough to the middle class. unfortunately it's not trickling enough to the poor. when people say they're against health care and it's job loss, it hasn't even kicked in. one, that's a lie. number two, the main reason we needed health care was the number one reason they were going into bankruptcy was because they were trying to get health care coverage. we were addressing an incredible need across the country. it's one of the areas where we know it's going to help fix and continue our economic engine
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because now people in the middle class don't have to worry about whether they can feed their family or buy prescription pills. >> and when you look at the republicans' economic agenda, their polls raising the minimum wage. they want to cut $40 billion from the food stamp program. and they support the sequester cuts to head start and meals on wheels. no wonder they are not doing very well in opinion polls. when their polls with most of the american people even if they don't need it, they support as having the values of saying this is a country that helps its own. >> that's right. and that's all the things they oppose. if you look at what they're for, tax cuts for wealthy people and deregulating financial markets and industries. so really, this is robin hood in reverse on steroids. it's basically saying let's take from the poor and give to the wealthy. it's called trickle down supply side economics.
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and as maria was referencing a second ago, not only has it not worked. it's not yorked every time we've tried it. we have great empirical evidence this is not working. it's remarkable how well we've done even in the face of this opposition. >> thank you both for your time tonight. have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> thank you, reverend. coming up, republicans were overjoyed to find a 60-minute report that played into their benghazi obsession. the only problem, it was based on a lie. plus new surveillance video and the new question in the mysterious death of georgia teen kendrick johnson. his parents think it's suspicious. they join me tonight. and we're learning more about the ugly racially charged bully that allegedly went on an nfl locker room.
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including new disturbing revelations about the man at the center of the controversy. two former nfl players are here live. and joe biden and whoopi goldberg take a ride. that's next. [ woman 1 ] why do i cook? to share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when we're apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes,
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it's been an eventful week for joe biden. he called boston's mayor elect marty walsh to congratulate him, but wound up dialing up the wrong marty walsh. then president obama revealed picking biden for vice president was, quote, one of the best decisions he ever made. and then today this happened. yes, that's joe biden and whoopi goldberg on amtrak. they ran into each other on the way home. it was a total coincidence.
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but they sat together. we've all had that talker next to us on the train. oh, to be a fly on the wall on that train car. hundreds of dollars of savings on the table by not choosing the right medicare d plan. no one could have left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors who compare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs pharmacist, call, or go to to get your free, personalized plan comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today. ♪ nothing says, "you're my #1 copilot,"
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like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone. republicans have spent the last year obsessed with trying to gin up a scandal from the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. the attack in benghazi left four americans dead. no doubt it was a tragedy. but it wasn't president obama's fault. there was no coverup and the american people knew it. the republicans' bogus scandal
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had completely fizzled, so they were overjoyed when "60 minutes" aired a new report late last month with a supposed eyewitness to the attack. >> morgan jones scaled the 12-foot high wall of the cam pound that was still overrun with al qaeda fighters. >> one guy saw me. he just shouted. i couldn't believe he had seen me because it was so dark. he started walking towards me. >> and as he was coming closer? >> i thought i'd hit him with the butt of the rifle in the face. >> dramatic stuff. all of a sudden republicans had an excuse to revive their forgotten talking points. senator lindsey graham and his buddies couldn't stop talking about "60 minutes." >> after the "60 minutes" show sunday, that just falls completely apart. >> and the "60 minutes" report
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recently that came out -- >> we've got "60 minutes" now validating. what did the "60 minutes" show tell us? >> they couldn't get enough. the only problem, the story was based on a lie. turns out he was never on the scene the night of the attack. he never was. and cbs has retracted the story. >> in this case we were wrong. we made a mistake. we no lodger had confidence in our source and that we were wrong to put him on air. and we apologize to our viewers. >> "60 minutes" has apologized. but we're still waiting for the apology from republicans and the right wing media for their smear campaign against the president. joining me now is david brock founder of media matters. his new e-book, "the benghazi
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hoax." thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> what are republicans saying now that have been discredited? >> well, first, fox aired 13 segments the day after this discredited "60 minutes" story ran. as you noted in your piece, senator graham has used this as an excuse to block president obama appointees, to open up investigation. senator cruz has said the state department should offer $5 million for more information on benghazi. and why was "60 minutes" important to the right? it was validation for their view that we still don't know the truth here and this is some kind of watergate level scandal when it's a hoax. "60 minutes" aided and abetted the right wing hoax. she said they did this knowingly. they knew this source was a liar. they put the liar on the air. the big story here is not that
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the source was a liar. i imagine people come into "60 minutes" all the time with false reports. rei rely on them to get the truth. they didn't do that. they wanted to believe this story and why? they wanted to use benghazi to damage president obama and secretary clinton. >> and not only am i looking at that, i'm looking at those that took this report, went all the way -- let me give you a good example. the morning after the "60 minutes" piece aired, senator lindsey graham said until the senate interviewed benghazi witnesses, he would block every single person president obama nominates to any post. listen to this. >> 14 months later, steve, the survivors, the people who survived the attack in benghazi have not been made available to the u.s. congress for oversight pumps. so i'm going to block every appointment in the senate until
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the survivors are being made available to the congress. >> that was the morning after the "60 minutes" piece aired. but nothing from senator lindsey graham today. and david, how does he justify blocking every post that the president proposes? i'm talking about the head of federal reserve, all of these things that have absolutely nothing to do with benghazi. >> sure. well, you're right. they've been quiet today. at least as far as we knew by mid-afternoon, fox has not covered this story at all. what's going to happen here rather than what should happen is they're going to have some closed door hearings next week in front of a partisan committee. this source didn't work out for them. but they're going to keep looking and looking until somebody says what they want them to say. what should happen here is the republicans, "60 minutes" should apologize to the american people. they should apologize to the obama administration. and really, the real thing here is this was -- they politicized
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this tragedy. and an apology is owed to the brave men and women some of whom were there who died. >> i'll have to leave it there. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. still ahead, a surprising twist in the nfl's racially charged bullying controversy. we'll hear from two former playe players. plus new video raises more questions than answers about the mysterious death of a high school athlete. we'll talk to his parents live. but first a new insult against the attorney general coming from a birther republican. stay with us. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts,
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republicans love to throw around the word impeachment. especially when it comes to president obama. win re-election, he's got to be
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impeached. pass a historic health care law, impeached. pardon a thanksgiving turkey, impeach, impeach. republicans have made a mockery of a serious part of our constitution. but now they're bigging into their impeachment bag of tricks for the attorney general eric holder. saying his removal is one of their top priorities. florida gop congressman ted yoho said, quote, it's to get him out of office. impeachment. it will probably be when we get back in washington. it will be before the end of the year. impeach the attorney general. for what? for so-called scandals like fast and furious and solyndra. nope. the real reason republicans oppose holder is because he's doing his job. but this isn't surprising coming
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from congressman yoho. he once said he would support a birther bill from fellow tea party republican steve stockman. >> i called steve up, i says, when i got back he says yeah we're doing it. would you want to get on that. i said yeah. [ applause ] >> then i asked and i'll ask you guys. is that really where we should be spending our time? but i'm going to check into that. >> but don't worry. he's just going to check into that. congressman yoho even refused to answer when directly asked if president obama was born in america. >> so you accept the fact he was a born american? >> i'm not -- no comment. >> are you a birther then? >> i'm not going to comment on it.
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>> oh, no, yoho. did he think we wouldn't notice that another birther has justed into the impeachment bandwagon? nice try, but check into this, we got you. asional have constipation,
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now to that racially charged nfl bullying controversy that has everyone talking. we're learning more about what went on inside the miami dolphins locker room. former rookie player jonathan martin's lawyer paints an ugly picture of an out of control situation. he reveals new details of the horrific treatment leading martin to abruptly leave the team. he claims martin endured a malicious physical attack by an unnamed teammate. and an unidentified player made vicious sexual threats against his sister. comments too vulgar to even repeat on the air.
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and it comes as we're learning more about the man at the center of this controversy. the alleged ring leader richie incognito. a new police report alleges he molested a female worker at a team golf outing by touching her with a golf club and emptying a bottle of water in her face. no charges were filed. and while many dolphins are coming to his defense, at least one former teammate of incognito's is calling him, quote, locker room cancer today. >> i'm not quite sure what's wrong with him or what it is. i was always curious why a guy like that should be on a football program. >> so is this activity you're hearing about surprise you? >> no, not at all. not at all. and you can see it keeps getting worse the longer this drags out. >> late today we learned martin will meet with nfl special
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investigator late next week. it's a story of a lot of twists and turns. but we're jurs beginning to find out what really happened. joining me now is former miami dolphin randall hill and former green bay packer leroy butler. he's the founder of the be a buddy not a bully campaign. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> leroy, we're learning more horrific details. in your 12-year nfl career, have you ever seen anything like this? >> this would be the first. especially when it's a veteran who's a white guy attacks an african-american. and then the racial slurs and stuff like that, that doesn't necessarily go on in the locker room. what i will say as being a leader of the locker room myself, the leaders on that team should have took care of that long before the coaches knew about it and long before the media knew about it. it seems to me it was more guys
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that believed in what richie incognito was doing to martin than trying to help martin out. i think that's where the bullying comes in. we're supposed to be able to love each other and work together. especially when you're playing football. and that doesn't seem like it occurred. >> randall, have you ever experienced or witnessed anything like this? >> no, sir, i haven't. but, you know, we still got to see what the investigation is going to come out to. a lot of people are jumping to conclusions. if there are -- i've heard some of the comments that he made on the phone and/or text messaging. for some reason members of the dolphins organization and the team are actually supporting him. >> let me stop you right there. because that's curious to me because a lot have come out more support of him than martin. do you think they're coming out to protect the dolphins and protect their careers there or
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that they're genuinely coming out because they support incognito? >> well, i think they're supporting him because look at him as a team member. with that being said, if there's something that is done wrong or something he said that's wrong, it needs to be addressed and addressed quickly. >> now, let me go back to you on this, leroy. dolphin coaches have been accused of asking incognito to quote, toughen up martin. at least one former player says the same. you can't talk about bullying with coaches. quote, what happens if you go to your coach and say this guy's bothering me. he's going to look at you and go, are you crazy, you wuss, you're not tough, get out of my office. do you think that's true? are complaints like this too often dismissed in your opinion,
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leroy? >> i think it's just like the movie "a few good men." the colonel told the guy to give the guy a code red. the guy died. so it doesn't make it right. i think the only person that's supposed to toughen a guy up is the coaches. again, there's no leadership. i think maybe if martin had come in the locker room and killed incognito, now we're supposed to hands up. but if he asks for help and doesn't get it, then there's no leadership. >> he's absolutely right. but at this particular point, when did he actually go and ask for him? you know, a lot is being said -- >> let him finish, leroy. go ahead. >> you know, i go into that locker room sometimes. and i have yet to hear of a player saying that, well, he came to me and asked me for help. something else is being made about his background. i got to tell you. my mom and dad, they gave me everything. and they laid it out for me.
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and i'm blessed by that. it didn't make me necessarily soft. whenever i had an issue, my mom and dad told me, listen, speak up and address the issue when it needs to be addressed. >> as you come in on this, leroy, when we're talking about something over and over again and we're talking about racial slurs used and we're talking about people making vicious sexual references to your sister, that's not just toughen up talk in a locker room. >> yeah. i think the thing about it, richie incognito when he was a kid it was reported he was bullied and this was his chance to get back. when we take guys out, we don't spend $13,000 or food or trips. >> you're absolutely right. >> everybody does it -- we do that to fit in with the veterans. they ask us to sing our fight song, which i didn't know, by the way.
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it was just fun. the most important thing is how much we get out of it. you know, we used to play against the university of miami, i noticed most of you guys was together. it was a team and family. same thing at florida state. we loved our teammates. that didn't go on in miami. i think i'm right about that. >> let me say this. i think you're right to keep saying that, randall, that it's under investigation and we don't know what all is going to pass through the investigation. but the fact is that clearly this is something that has raised a lot of attention and a lot of concern. where should the line be drawn? whether these allegations are true or not, where should the line be drawn is the real question, randall. >> and you're absolutely right. but i think a line should be drawn where each individual is accountable for themselves. you know, we should be accountable for ourselves and look if the mirror and be super critical of ourselves. for example, if someone is bothering me, you know, i know
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that most parents teach their kids, listen. speak up, go tell a teacher, go tell a coach, go tell someone. if not, you know, it could escalate. you definitely don't want to it to get to the point where you're going to get into physical violence and, you know, that sort of thing. but definitely you have to speak up. and if you don't speak up, maybe this type of situation will occur as it is right now unfolding. >> where should the line be drawn in your opinion, leroy? >> really to me, there really shouldn't be a line. you're supposed to be one person. you're supposed to be together. you don't toughen a guy up by degrading him. that's the thing about toughen up a guy, to talk about his mom, i mean, back where i'm from in the inner city, you talk about my mom, them fighting words. we keep it all the way 100. that's the way we do it. it's just, to me, if i had a problem i would go to reggie white. and white would bring brett
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favre in and we would deal with it. the problem, real quick, there's more guys in the locker room that think more like incognito. if mike sherman and joe philbin need to find out who those guys are. >> all right. i'm going to have to leave it there. i think, quickly, go ahead, randall. >> you know what? if i have a problem, the first people i'm going to is my mom and dad. his parents are very, very intelligent. they probably got him to what his next steps should be instead of just walking out. >> well, one thing we can look at this all different ways but one thing all three of us agreed on is don't talk about my momma. >> yes, sir. don't talk about my momma. >> thank you for your time this evening. ahead, more on that mysterious death of a high school student kendrick johnson. today new surveillance video raises more questions than it does answers.
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we'll talk with kendrick's parents next. ♪
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[ herbie ] no doubt about it brent, a real gate keeper. here's kevin in the nissan sentra. lamb to the slaughter. mom's baked cookies but he'll be lucky to make it inside. and here's the play. oh, dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize the opportunity. he's seen it. it's all over. nothing but daylight. yes i'd love a cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. the nissan sentra. now get one fifty nine per month lease on a two-thousand thirteen nissan sentra. ♪ new surveillance video released in mysterious death of kendrick johnson is raising more questions. in january the 17-year-old's body was found in a rolled up wrestling mat in his high school gym. and the death was ruled an accident. new surveillance video includes a never-before-seen shot of
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kendrick walking into the gym as well as 1900 hours of tape from 36 cameras. the video shows multiple angles of the gym. and it appears to be missing time stamps. the johnson family is calling the video suspicious. last week a federal prosecutor opened an investigation, and johnson's parents believe he was murdered. i was with the family in may as part of their attempt to get this case fully examined. they deserve to know what happened to their son. joining me now are kendrick's parents jacqueline and kenneth johnson and their attorneys benjamin crump and c.b. king. thank you all for being here. >> thank you. >> attorney crump, let me go to you first. all of this new video was released, but what are your concerns? >> well, reverend sharpton,
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attorney king and i pointed out some very troubling things because we had got discovered before. and there was a time stamp on the freeze frame photos we got. and then when we get the surveillance video, there's no time tracks on the bottom of the video. and the most troubling thing is out of the 36 cameras, there's 36 angles, all of them are vivid and clear except the one that is pointing to the wrestling mats, that corner where kendrick was found dead. that is the only one that is blurry. that's the only one that is distorted. >> let me told you right there, attorney crump. because i think that what you're raising, i want to go and i want to put that up. you're saying this was the only tape that is blurred out of all of the tapes, the tape that
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actually shows the scene where he was actually found. >> yes, sir. >> and we're talking 1900 hours of tapes? >> 1900 hours of tape, the only one that's distorted is the one that's the crux of the matter here. everything else is just fine. >> and you're also saying that the time at the bottom that you saw on the original tape is now not on the security tapes that have been handed over as a result of the court decision. >> yes, sir. we find that very mysterious. the suspicion is as attorney king really pointed out when we showed the press the still frames, you see the time clearly. and now when they give the surveillance to us like the judge ordered, the time isn't noted there. >> let me go to you, jacqueline johnson and kenneth johnson.
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one other thing that's getting a lot of attention today is that the coroner's report. and the coroner's report said this. i'm quoting. the investigative climate was very poor to worse when i arrived on the scene. the body had been noticeably moved. i do not approve of the manner this case was handled. not only was the scene compromised, the body was moved. the integrity was breached by opening a sealed body bag, information necessary for my lawful investigation was withheld. as a parent, when you hear the coroner saying they interfered with the integrity of his investigation, that he was in many ways not pleased with how the scene was handled, how do you feel when you hear that and as people now understand even
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the coroner had raised some serious questions. mr. johnson or ms. johnson? >> well, it's real troubling and just goes to show the more disrespect to my family with the sheriff department have done to us. it just doesn't make any sense. they treated kendrick like he wasn't even human. >> now, attorney king, the initial autopsies, you had the autopsies. the initial one showed no signs of blunt force trauma on johnson's face or body. it's stated he died of accidentacciden accidental asphyxia. but the second independent autopsy showed kendrick suffered blunt force trauma to the right neck and soft tissues which is consistent with an inflicted injury. and it stated that he died of
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unexplained apparent non-accidental blunt force tra map 3 i mean, how do you deal with the difference in terms of the outcomes of the two different autopsies? >> well, reverend al, i think it's fairly safe to say that this is nothing more than another piece to the puzzle. you described kendrick's passing or his death as a mysterious one. and the sheriff's department has described it as being a freak death or freak accident. we think, of course, it can't be any more freak than the investigation that followed. this investigation showed that he had died as a result of blunt force trauma.
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dr. anderson, the pathologist they had hired had said to us that it didn't appear to be an accidental blow that he suffered. >> now, attorney crump, the federal government is now stepped in and announced an investigation. we'll be watching it. what under federal law are you hoping they proceed to look at thorou thoroughly? >> we hope they look at not only the murder mystery that claimed this young man's life, but we want them to look at the governmental agents' actions into this investigation. because as his mother and father have asked, they want to hold whoever killed their child responsible and whoever covered up for the persons who killed their child accountable. >> all right. i'm going to leave it there. we'll certainly be following this story. kenneth and jacqueline johnson, benjamin crump, and c.b. king, thank you for your time tonight. and our thoughts and prayers are
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basketball legend isaiah thomas joins the fight to stop gun violence in our cities. my interview with him is next. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot...
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we're back with the fight to end gun violence. last night i spent my first night in chicago in the west side apartment i've rented as part of a campaign to highlight
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the crisis in our cities. i met with local ministers discussing ways to keep our streets safe. in just the first week of this month, gun violence in chicago has left six people dead and 17 wounded. including a 6-year-old boy. yesterday i spoke to the students there about the issue. >> when you leave school, how afraid are y'all about gun violence? >> it's always on my mind. >> gun violence is always on your mind? >> yeah. like what if this happens, what if that happens. >> what would you say, any of you, that you'd like to see done to make the city safer? >> more law enforcement in high schools. getting on the bus would be a big crowd of them. >> later, basketball legend isaiah thomas and reverend marshall hatch joined me to talk about how we can keep our communities safe. so this is londale.
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tell me about it. >> right now there is a resurgence in terms of thought. there is a resurgence in terms of education. getting back to the fundamentals of the as, bs, and cs. reconnecting with the church, reconnecting with families. it's a community that for a period of time was strong in this country, had lost its way, but now it's coming back. >> how did we end up going from this strong, stable community with civil rights roots, upward mentality that you just heard him talk about and he became a hall of fame per. how do we go from there to random gun violence, kids being shot, and now we're trying to work our way back? >> londale is a great case in point. this is the community dr. king lived in 1966, just west of here
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when he moved here. then we were talking about open housing. and now fast forward, the new civil rights issue of our time is education. londale was a great place to have a conversation. because this community lost 70% of its jobs between 1970 and 1980 right after advent of a lot of the drug traffic. >> a lot of it is jobs? >> a lot is jobs. >> you heard the young man tell me in the classroom that he does great in school and he doesn't feel safe. he knows anything can happen here. how's that make you feel? >> that's the heart breaking part. because the kid that spoke, he absolutely represents the kind of fear that the kids have to deal with every day. it's almost like a combat zone when kids have to feel that sense of fear just going to and
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from school. of course, all the people that study the brain know it really is difficult to concentrate on school work when you're fearing for our personal safety. >> you said your mother actually watched with dr. king. >> my mother marched with dr. king and worked for fred hampton. >> one of the chicago black panthers. >> when they initiated the free lunch program. again, it was about education. when you say i am a hall of fame basketball player, but really i believe what most people are proudest of me of in this community is having my masters and getting a masters degree from berkeley. this is where we really preach education. when we talk about poverty in those times it was how do you get out of poverty? and we believe education was the best way. >> as we sat in the apartment in the late hours talking about this, one of the community organizers said that the story should not just be the violence.
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the story should be those that continue to fight and show that we're not going to run. we're going to turn it around. and that's what we must do. one note before we go. this weekend i'll be in dallas signing copies of my new book "the rejected stone." sunday morning i'll be at the friendship west baptist church in dallas. and then at 4:00 sunday afternoon i'll be at the dock bookstore in fort worth signing copies. please stop by if you're in the area. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. sorry seems to be the hardest word. for republicans. let's play "hardball." ♪ good evening.


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